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Switchback: Graphics Quality



  • Official comment
    Community Manager

    Hey there Rocy10, kezar001,

    I've just shared an announcement regarding the graphics issues that have been highlighted to us over the last 24 hours - please refer to that here.

    If you have any questions or concerns, you're welcome to reply in this thread and I'll do my best to address them with respect to the information currently available to me. Thank you.


  • kezar001

    100% agree

  • Sidney Araújo

    The first game I bought for my PSVR 2 and I was already disappointed, the game starts on a train with a horrible scale of characters, very small, after that I am thrown to a loading screen, I thought this no longer existed on PS5, I start with some weapons with a very bad shot sound, it sounds like a toy gun, that's when my tour begins, in a world where the graphics are formed practically in your face, the textures of the characters and the scenarios don't seem like something from this generation, and yes something between PlayStation 2 and 4, a lot of pop in happening right in front of you is a shame for a PS5 game, hours ago I fought for the guns loaded, I honestly regret having bought this game.

  • M Magdy

    Foveated rendering should be implemented as it could free up room for better textures etc. The NPC graphics in the train, Subtitles, he Fire and the Loading screen process should really tested so closely before releasing the next fix.
    Please don't do the same mistake as Cyberpunk 2077 at Launch and look carefully for all players feedback.
    If this will take time then we strongly suggest to get a refund like what CDProjekt Red did for Cyberpunk game.

  • Ruben Dijkhof

    @... any update on the graphics issue announcement?


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